Enrollment Policies

Open Enrollment Period
Our annual open enrollment period is from October 1 to December 31. At the close of the open enrollment period, if the number of applicants is less than or equal to the total capacity designated for a particular grade level, all applicants for that grade level will be offered enrollment. Parents and guardians will be notified of their child’s enrollment status no later than January 5.

Lottery Process
If the number of eligible applicants submitted by the end of the open enrollment period exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level or building, students will be given equal opportunity for enrollment through a random selection (lottery) process, which is managed through PowerSchool, our school information system.

Enrollment Preference
In compliance with ARS § 15-184, the Desert Sage High School shall give enrollment preference to:

  • Students returning to the school and siblings of students already enrolled in the school;

  • Students who are the children of employees of the school, the charter holder corporation, members of the school’s governing board and officers and directors of the charter holder corporation; and

  • Students who are in foster care

Expelled Students
The school may deny enrollment to any student who has been expelled from or is in the process of being expelled from any other school, whether public or private. The Leadership Team has the sole discretion to determine whether to admit such a student, and the Leadership Team’s decision may not be appealed. Failure to disclose this information on a student’s enrollment application may result in revocation of the student’s enrollment.

Homeless Students
The Leadership Team shall ensure that any enrollment form and requirements are consistent with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 and any Arizona law related to the enrollment of homeless students. Tyané Kuya, Community Director, is Desert Sage High School’s liaison for students who are homeless.

International Exchange Students
Desert Sage High School welcomes and may offer enrollment to international exchange students under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Students must be between the ages of 14 and 17 at the time of entrance.

  2. Students must not have already graduated from a secondary school.

  3. A completed information packet must be submitted to the Leadership Team prior to an offer of enrollment.

  4. The Leadership Team shall have the sole right to require additional information and to offer or deny enrollment.

  5. Students and their families must make their visa and housing arrangements through a foreign exchange agency.

  6. Students may enroll for up to one school year.

  7. Tuition shall be charged. The leadership team shall have the authority to set the tuition rate; however, the tuition rate should be based on the equalization rate for the school year in which the exchange student is enrolled. Tuition shall be prorated based on the number of days enrolled. Tuition is due prior to enrollment. Tuition may be paid in installments if the student is enrolled for more than 90 school days. Scholarships may be available for students who need financial assistance.